Saturday, April 27, 2019

Flying in the San Andres´ sky

Sometimes my job is fun, and it allows me enojoy some trips like my last job on december in San Andres, where i had to do some plains for a hotel, it allows me take a holydays while i win money, but no always is like this, sometimes i must to walk for hours, to arrive to a electric tower for review how is the network. San andres is a place where we can find the sevene colors´s sea, also it has a nice nightlife, some beautiful cays like Jony Cay if you have the opportunity take a trip to San andres I recommend you dont think twice and enjoy this beautiful Colombian city.

Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon is a delicious fruit which give us vitamins, for many years we have used the watermelon without seeds, as a result we are not getting some important micro-nutrients. Therefore the seed should be consumed, since it give a high contribution in magnesium to our bodies, in fact there is a study in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association where they show how the magnesium is necesary for the activation of vitamin D in our bodies.

To summarize people should to consume watermelon seeds, in special the womans as vitamin D support through activation produced by the magnesiun, since it brings support for her bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

How to prepare the watermelon seeds?

"Roast them in the oven like you would pumpkin seeds. The pleasantly nutty roasted seeds can then be used to add a nutritional punch to salads, trail mix, yogurt, homemade energy bars, and even oatmeal." taken from

Friday, April 19, 2019

Disney Plus

In the last years the streaming sevices have been moving to the traditional TV, Netflix was one of the first in this industry, later companies like HBO, HULU even amazon have brougth their own streaming service. Actually Netflix is the market leader but, May Netflix to continue being the leader after the appeareance of Disney Plus?.

Disney+ come with an important deal with marvel and star wars, this companies have many fans can bring a lot of users to Disney+, and managing to take a piece of cake to Netflix.

Also it just for 7usd, 2 dollar more cheap than netflix. Do you think that it could be affect to Netflix?

Otherwise I come with this post, for try to say to everybody that any streaming service that you use no matter just to try, for improve your listening skills to watch your movies and series just in english without sibtitules, in this way your ear´ll trying to adapting to the english sounds improving your english.

Regard GB

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Rules of Poker (Basis Concepsts)

Even Thought there are so many variants of poker games, the most popular is Texas holdem is the most popular game of poker. Poker is a game where the players have some chips and it could be used for make bets, across this bets the pot going to growing, the main objective of poker is win this pots and geting a big stack.

¿How can you win a pot?

A pot you could win in two ways:

1) In a round of bets, our villians folds against our bet.
2) At the end of the hand, with the player who have the best hand.

In all variants of poker a hand begins with a initial bet round and it is requeried, in the most part of variants are known like Small Blind (SB) and Big Blind (BB).

Actions in poker:

In each betting round the players can choose between, bet, raise the actual bet, call, check or folds.


People can bets when is their turn, and no body bets before.


People can raise when somebody before made a bet and we want to raise the last bet.


People can raise when somebody before made a bet and we don´t want to raise, we can alse call just the bb if nobody raises before.


People can fold if don´t want to play the hand.


People can check if nobody made a bet or we are in the BB.

In my next post i´ll talk about hands poker rankings.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

The man who invented the wingsuit

Hi people:

Trying to improve my listening skills, i found on the next link of the BBC NEWS the history about the man who invented the wingsuit.

He toldus that in 1.999 he created the first company to make commercial wingsuit for skydrivers and also was his first base jump, and he looked how across of the history too many people intented to do it, but with disaster results, 72 to 75 persons death. He told us that the majority of accidents are for the people wants to keep on flying crushing the edge.

He tolds that he is alive, cause the bigger fear is death for that reason is that he is very calculated.

He talks about of base jump is the more extremly sport and base jumpers in the last year 32 or 33 dies. And tolds a great phrase that you feel alive, because you didn´t die you are alive.


Put your morals in a dilemma. Are you agree with this?

Researching abaout, what is the best food for my cats, i found some articles on google academic, about How to eradicate teh feline cat of the Socorro Island in Mexico.

The paper talks that in socorro´s island have a big problem with the cats, since they affect the biodivercity of the place and they affect to the endemic spices at point that the socorro´s island lost species like the socorro elf owl, and the socorro dove, and at the moment are puting in several threat other species. In 2.011 the Grupo de ecologia y conservacion de las islas started the program cat control, (GECI). The GECI in the program of eradication of cats put traps called leg traps and letal traps, an they got a reduction of feline population and a improvement in the fauna of the island.

In this case im in disagree of the methods applied to the improvement of envioroment, because they are affecting other spice "the cats", So and it is no the fault of the cats, just is the irresponsability of the human beings.

Human beings introduced the cats to the island for try to take control of rats, but didn´t have the responsability the put the animal in castration state, so it was the problem and now wants to kill it.

So i recomend castration Journeys, shelters of cats with big spaces until dies, or adoptation journeys.

And now what do you think about it?

Article taken from

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Another brick in the wall Part 2 Do you know the true meaning?

In this post will be disscussed about the stranza of another brick in the wall part 2.

The stranza is the next:

"We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey, teachers, leave them kids alone
All in all it's just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall"

By Pink Floyd
Album the Wall
Year 1.979

The song was write for made a protest to the educational regimen of 50s, where put in evidence the hard rules, of educational sistem of this time. People thinks that the song is against the education, but the correctly interpretation of the song is the requeriment of a change in the educational sistem.

Often hispanic teenagers used to see this song like a himm in your life, just for the phrase "we don´t need no education", but they don´t know the true meaning of the song. Just is for rebellion or just try to represent that the education don´t works, and they don´t put in the task of research the sense of the stranza.

Leaving aside the tennagers thought, and going a little more of the education across of the times, Could we think that the song could be represent a protest song in any moment and it makes that the song is a classic in all times.

Despite the evolution in the educational models, i guess that it could be represent the educational sistem in anytime, because despite the new tecnologies, and the new teachers and new learners, with a sense that multidirectional education, and more interest for the knowledge of the students, always we´ll be unconfortable with our situation because always we can found better forms to share the knowledge and acquire the same.

For that reason we could think that this song is a represent of the educational sistem of all times.



Friday, April 5, 2019


Hi everybody:

My name is Guillermo Botero, Bussiness managment of National University of Colombia, I used to work at financial companies, after it i decided to create my company called, Drone Solutions, and you can find the web page at, my company works with drones whereever that somebody needs a drone like media, enginiere, survery or agriculture.

This blog have two objetives, the main is learn a new lenguage with diferents activities seeing videos, listen audios, reading books or papaers, and traslating some contents that i want to show you of spanish to english. The second is try to unlearn, to later lear how to play poker, and show you how the poker no is a gambling game.

Also you can found some miscelaneus posts of anything that could be interesting for the english learning.

Here left some pictures of my fancy life when i was a good poker player. It was in the LAPT Medellin.



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