Saturday, June 1, 2019


If you’re now going to take on an exercise program you must start eating properly. The body needs good quality fuel as well as rest to recover and adapt from strenuous exercise.

Let’s look at the basic macro nutrients.

Protein - Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. Any exercise that puts strain on the musculoskeletal system needs a higher than normal proportion of protein for recovery.

Carbohydrates - These are broken down into slow and fast release. Generally you should avoid simple carbs that are released too fast into the bloodstream. Slow release choices such as wholemeal bread and sweet potato are to be preferred. The only exception is immediately before and after exercise. Carbs are you body’s energy source.

Fats - Fat consists of more calories per gram than the other two nutrients. This has led people to believe they are the main cause of people putting on weight. This is wrong. Too many calories compared to your energy expenditure is why you might put on weight. Fats are responsible for many essential bodily functions, in particularly your endocrine system that controls your hormones.

Micronutrients are also known as vitamins and minerals. These are the types of nutrients that have your parents telling you to eat more fruit and vegetables. Meat and potatoes alone is just not going to cut it. This is not a balanced diet containing everything the body needs.

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If you’re now going to take on an exercise program you must start eating properly. The body needs good quality fuel as well as rest to reco...