Saturday, April 13, 2019

Put your morals in a dilemma. Are you agree with this?

Researching abaout, what is the best food for my cats, i found some articles on google academic, about How to eradicate teh feline cat of the Socorro Island in Mexico.

The paper talks that in socorro´s island have a big problem with the cats, since they affect the biodivercity of the place and they affect to the endemic spices at point that the socorro´s island lost species like the socorro elf owl, and the socorro dove, and at the moment are puting in several threat other species. In 2.011 the Grupo de ecologia y conservacion de las islas started the program cat control, (GECI). The GECI in the program of eradication of cats put traps called leg traps and letal traps, an they got a reduction of feline population and a improvement in the fauna of the island.

In this case im in disagree of the methods applied to the improvement of envioroment, because they are affecting other spice "the cats", So and it is no the fault of the cats, just is the irresponsability of the human beings.

Human beings introduced the cats to the island for try to take control of rats, but didn´t have the responsability the put the animal in castration state, so it was the problem and now wants to kill it.

So i recomend castration Journeys, shelters of cats with big spaces until dies, or adoptation journeys.

And now what do you think about it?

Article taken from

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