Saturday, May 25, 2019

Do you think that it is just lucky? Basis Maths on poker: Outs and Odds

In poker, you are often behind with an incomplete hand, but you still have the chance to surpass the hand of your opponent. On the turn or river you need one card, which improves your hand into a made hand, e.g. into a flush or a straight.

A card that makes a draw into a made hand is called an out. When such a card appears on the turn or river, it is called "hitting an out".
In this lesson, you will learn how to determine the probability to hit an out. These are called odds. You will learn how to calculate if you can profitably call a certain bet of your opponent.

Outs improve draws into made hands:

It is called a draw, when you probably do not hold the best hand after the flop, but still have realistic chances to improve your hand into the best one. Typical draws are flush draws or straight draws. The cards that complete your draw are called outs.

The more outs a draw has, the stronger it is. Remember only to count those cards as outs that really improve your draw into the best hand with a high probability.

Texas Hold'em odds are the probability to hit an out

In order to be able to make the right decision with your draw you need to know the probability to hit an out on the turn or the river. This is calculated as follows:

Step 1: Determine the number of outs, that complete your draw.
Step 2: Divide the number of your outs by the number of possible cards that might appear on the next street.

Back to the example: You hold on the flop and you have a flush draw. You already know that you have nine outs by this. In the next step you have to divide the number of your outs by the total number of turn cards.

The deck has 52 cards. Five of these are already known to you. Two of them you hold in your hand and three are in the flop. So there are 47 unknown cards left that can appear on the turn. So the probability to get the flush on the turn is:

9 outs / 47 possible cards = 0,19 = 19% ~ 4 to 1.

The probability is called odds. In Texas Hold'em, odds are regularly given in the notation "x to y". A probability of 19% means that you will hit an out on the next street in about one out of five cases. This is given by "4 to 1". An average there are four misses opposed to one hit.
In the following chart you find poker odds for typical situations. It also includes Texas Hold'em odds from the flop to the river. For example, these are important in an all-in situation, since in an all-in you will see the turn and river for sure.

Pot odds – Can I profitably play my hand?

Pot odds are the ratio of the possible reward compared to the stake you have to place when confronted with a bet. Thus they can be seen as a risk/reward ratio. By comparing the pot odds with your odds, you can estimate if a stake for a draw is worth it.

Your required stake is $2, the pot previous to the bet is $8, your possible reward is $10. The odds to hit your flush are about 4:1 against you.
Let us assume that in this case you will win the hand. This means that in one of these 5 cases you win $12. In the other four cases you will lose $2 respectively. Again under the assumption that you have to fold your hand on the turn if you can not improve it.

When you call the $2, on average after five occasions you have lost $2 four times and won $10 once. Your total profit, which is calculated by profit - deficit, is thereby at $10 - $8 = $2.

For this reason in the long run, it will pay off to call your opponent's bet in this situation. On average, you will win $0.40 (= $2 / 5 hands) every time.

Now we introduce the so-called pot odds. They give the ratio of the possible reward compared to the required stake, so they are a reward/risk ratio.

Pot odds = possible reward : needed stake
In the aforementioned situation, the pot contains $8. You have to add the $2 that are placed by your opponent which makes a total pot and a possible benefit of $10. You have to pay $2 to stay in the game and see the turn card. Therefore the pot odds are $10:$2 or 5:1.
Thus your pot odds are 5:1 and your odds are 4:1.

Now you have to consider the following rule: if the pot odds are higher than the odds of an incomplete hand, you will win in the long run. If they are lower, you will lose.

What would happen if your opponent bets $4 instead of just $2? The possible benefit would rise to $8 + $4 = $12. But at the same time, your pot odds would turn to $12:$4 which is a ratio of 3:1. Therefore it would not be profitable to call the bet, since your odds are 4:1 and your pot odds are lower than your odds. At this point you should fold your hand, otherwise you would lose in the long run.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Tilt in poker

What is Tilt?

Tilt is when a player plays poorly due to frustration at the table. This is usually because of a bad beat or losing a big pot. Some people tilt more than others and everyone tilts in different ways. A key to winning at poker is to minimise the time you spend on tilt and lose the absolute minimum during this period.

There are of course different levels of tilt at a poker table. Some people think that if a player is on tilt then they will go all in with a poor hand, as a way of venting their anger. This of course very rarely happens as players who play at a reasonable level are not going to literally throw money away just because they have lost a hand previously. They do however tilt like anyone else; there are much more subtle forms of tilt which you can pick up on at the tables.

Examples of Tilt

For example, you will often see people entering pots with another player just to “get back at them” for winning a pot against them previously.

When you see this it is highly likely that player is on tilt, as it is unlikely they would play this many hands against one person if they had no problem with them.

They are likely risking more of their money to try and beat or outplay an opponent with a worse hand, which is of course a silly idea. In poker you are trying to win money in the long run, not win a pot right now to settle a score.

The very best players are not only great thinkers about the game, they control their emotions and offset the effects of tilt
The most common sign that a player is on tilt is that you will see them chasing draws that they otherwise would not.

For example if a player makes a pot sized bet on the turn and you hold nothing but a naked flush draw, usually most competent players would fold.

However when you bring tilt into the equation, a lot of seemingly good players would make a call here. This is an example of chasing losses which is by far the most common form of tilt, and regularly leads too a larger day in the red.

Green Smoothie

At only 250 calories, this gluten-free, dairy-free, low-fat, vitamin-blended green smoothie is different from most blended shakes in that it has a perfect balance of carbs and proteins. Whip it up for an on-the-go morning meal, or use it as your go-to post-workout snack.


½ small banana
1 scoop of protein powder could be vegan or animal
2½ cup baby spinach
1 serving (2 tbsp) peanut butter
½ tsp vanilla extract
1 cup unsweetened almond milk (vanilla)

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. For a thicker smoothie, add a few ice cubes. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

3rd reading

What was the easiest?

For me the easiest was to understand the reading except for some words, the reading had a comprehensible text so it helps me to answer it.

What was the most difficult?

I guess that i didn't have enough time the information so I had to came back to read some parts again.

What do you think you need in order to become those difficult things into easy ones?

Maybe I have to try to make exercises for a short time memory.

Could you identify the questions that were about skimming and scanning? give examples of those questions.

Yes, there was a lot of skimming and scanning question.


Scanning: Under the rules, staff can only park in car park A at noon if.
Skimming: The cost to park in Car Park A for 4 hours will be

What did you find about the text?

How I can to help to left a minor carbon footprint

How much time did you take reading and answering?

20 minutes


encourage: amimar
upkeep: mantenimiento

second reading

What was the easiest?

The text help to enjoy our free time and was easy for how it is written

What was the most difficult?

Try to look for the topic that better adapts to the paragraph

What do you need in order to become those difficult things into easy ones?

I guess to try to found the main idea in the reading and try to understand in the best way what want to say the author to take a better choice for the topic.

Could you identify the questions that were about skimming and scanning? Give examples of those questions.

In the reading, you can take too much skimming and scanning questions, bot like the exercise was put the topic in each paragraph I had to do the scan

What did you find about the text?

I found that I have to unplug of many electronic devices to enjoy in a better way my free time.


30 mins


wind down: relajarse
encroach: invadir

First reading All about the mall

The next post has the intention to develop the exercise of my English class taken from the next reading:

i must to answer the next questions:

What was the easiest?

For me the easiest was to understand the reading except for some words, the reading had a comprehensible text so it helps me to answer it.

What was the most difficult?

Try to understand where were the places that the reading describe, and looking it on the map.

What do you think you need in order to become those difficult things into easy ones?

I guess that I need to improve my vocabulary, almost to know new words of order and places.

Could you identify the questions that were about skimming and scanning? give examples of those questions.

I guess the question in the majority were scanning, but even so, you could find a lot of skimming.


Scanning: buy an expensive, old cupboard?
Skimming: see a film?

What did you find about the text?

i found interesting the way how the writer describes the different places in the mall

How much time did you take reading and answering?

25 minutes


handcraft: Artesania
rear: posterior
Stalls: Locales
along: a lo largo


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