Friday, April 5, 2019


Hi everybody:

My name is Guillermo Botero, Bussiness managment of National University of Colombia, I used to work at financial companies, after it i decided to create my company called, Drone Solutions, and you can find the web page at, my company works with drones whereever that somebody needs a drone like media, enginiere, survery or agriculture.

This blog have two objetives, the main is learn a new lenguage with diferents activities seeing videos, listen audios, reading books or papaers, and traslating some contents that i want to show you of spanish to english. The second is try to unlearn, to later lear how to play poker, and show you how the poker no is a gambling game.

Also you can found some miscelaneus posts of anything that could be interesting for the english learning.

Here left some pictures of my fancy life when i was a good poker player. It was in the LAPT Medellin.


1 comment:


If you’re now going to take on an exercise program you must start eating properly. The body needs good quality fuel as well as rest to reco...